Jumping into the online entrepreneurship world is not easy. There is a lot of promoters egging you on to start one and not to worry about the competition. Like they say, there is room for everybody and every idea.
Apart from the rest of the world, I would like to caution you first and foremost. I am not saying you should not invest for the potential of a vast reward in your future, but I am repositioning your mind to understanding that not everything is as easy as pie.
If you have already taken the leap, then congratulations. If you have come to understand that it is not easy, and you need help increasing your website conversion, then I am here to help you. More specifically, (JMUSIC SINGER AND SONGWRITER) the brand, will stand with you.

Hello. My name is Ibrahim Jawara. I am highly motivated about learning and implementing businesses that will enrich and transform the lives of my fellow man (YOU). This is my life mission and I am very thankful for the people and the experiences that have brought me to this understanding.
I am what you will call a 21st century digital entrepreneur. Constantly learning and striving to enact actions that are customer focused (YOU). I am the founder at Jmusic- singer and songwriter and sidehustle-reviews.com; brands promising to provide the strategies and ideas that will enrich and transform Your life.
Before You continue reading, I want to recommend some books that I believe will have the greatest impact on your life:
- 1. Rohanda Byrne “The Secret“
- 2. Natalie Babbit “Tuck Everlasting“
- 3. Jack Canfield “Chicken Soup for the College Soul“
- 4. Gary Goldschneider and Joost Elffers “The Secret Language of Relationships“
Any type of business you do, especially online, will not come by easy. The steps you follow, the marketing strategy, the knowledge base you have, and the support system you can rely on, are the foundational blocks that will make your business goals easy or extremely manageable.
If you currently have an online website business and are looking for solid help to increasing your website conversion rate, then this article will be for you.
It does not matter if you have a Shopify ecommerce store, a WordPress blog, affiliate marketing website or any other revenue generating website; the same principles hold true when you are trying to increase your website conversion rate.
This is a basic guide to perfecting your website design, your marketing strategy, and business plan in order to combat low traffic to your website, and/or high traffic but no sales.
More traffic to your website should mean more sales for your business, but in terms of online website businesses that is not always the case.
That is a huge problem.
Think about it; if you have a physical store selling candy, and 100 people visit your store and you make no sales, then you have a major problem on your hands as a business owner.
If you ask me, its easy to get more visitors to your website, and I will explain shortly. More visitors, however, does not solve the traffic but no sales problem. Increasing your sales (website conversion), requires a bullet point focus marketing strategy, persistence, and luck.
Yes, luck too is a factor. Luckily, luck comes only to those that reach for them.
Like I said before, its easy-to-get free traffic to your website. Because of this fact, I will attempt to answer this question first.
Getting traffic or eyeballs to your website should be a relatively easy thing to do because there is no shortage of the amount of people in the world or more specifically, people browsing the internet daily.
The biggest thing you can do, in my opinion, is to see traffic as more of a conversation with an individual person. The worth is as important as Gold itself.
The problem with online business owners is that when they are marketing their website businesses, they think only in terms of traffic, this mindset creates actions that are as worthless as the results.
This type of person sees traffic, similar to a busy street of cars speeding to their destination. When you and I can clearly see all these cars speeding to their destination, guess what the physical store business owner and seller of candy does.
Yup, you guessed it, they yell out the window or get as close as possible to those oncoming cars and yell “candy for sale, 20 percent off!”.
That is not marketing, and that is not how you get visitors into your store and that is not how you make more sales.
Of-course the example I gave is a bit overboard. Surly, you are not the same type of person as that candy seller. You would never do something so silly. I gave this example however, to prove a point.
Again, it’s easy-to-get free traffic to your website. You can do so from Instagram, Twitter, your friends, family, and strangers. The question however, is that, are those traffic sources beneficial to your business?
To get free traffic for example, walk up to a stranger and plead with them to visit your store with a laptop on your hand.
The odds are more than high, that they will scroll through your website pages. You have just then gotten a free website visit. In the simplest term that is free traffic.
Free traffic, or even paid traffic, however, does not help you with your website conversion problem. Switching from viewing your website visitors as simply traffic sources and implementing the right gears in your marketing plan will solve your problem of high traffic but no sales.
Raise your hand if you are on Twitter, Instagram, Quora, LinkedIn, Myspace (if you are a time traveler lol) Facebook, Facebook Ads, TikTok Ads, and much much more. Of course, you are not wrong, these are where the traffic (people) is. Yes?
Do you see it now?
Just being on all this platforms and sources of traffic sources tells me you are attempting to be a jack of all trades but a master of none. Some businesses waste time and money doing things that would not appeal to their target audience at all.
Traffic mindset brings us all to the same place with our marketing campaigns. Are you still wondering why then, some succeed, and others fail?
I guarantee you; it is not because they are the loudest candy sellers. Screaming on the highway where customers are speeding to their destination is a marketing failure on your part.
See, when you are only looking for more traffic, and/or free traffic to your website, you are by every sense of the word, looking to sell to complete strangers.
In real estate or any physical store selling goods and services, the saying goes, Location, Location, Location.
The best location gives your investment a long-term value. If you are a physical store, the best location gives you the best chance of making sales because you happen to be where your target customers are.
With the internet website businesses however, it’s not about location.
In fact, it is harder, because you cannot stand out because of a location but rather because of people.
I would say, its more about people, people, people.
You could have hosting on GoDaddy or Blue host or some other domain authority; that location, however, does not matter. Your website exists only online, and that is how the customers see it. Nothing more nothing less.
This is the reason a lot of business owners go wrong. The internet is a big place. It fools you and I into the wrong thinking when promoting our products and services.
Maybe it’s due to the past successes of major companies, or a recent ad of another rags to riches story but whatever it is, we get pumped up believing in the quick, easy, gains from high exposure.
We come into the business side of things with high expectations. The understanding that there is a lot of traffic online… (again the problem)
pushes us to assume, more traffic means higher rate of return. I CALL THIS THE HIGH EXPOSURE MINDSET.
We see more views to our website as something that will sell our products and services fast, and/or instantly. Success stories of many business owners, fools us into thinking that large exposure is very important rather than the smaller one on one interactions.
You start thinking, there is no way you can fail. All you have to do is show your products and services to more people. The more people you show the better and faster you become rich.
This type of person pays for Facebook ads over and over thinking the more people that see my ads the more likely I make more sales. Money is spent over and over again, expecting different results.
Seeing your customers as just traffic sources needed to your website leaves you with the problem of too much traffic but no sales.
Traffic mindset, and high exposure mindset are the problem.
These two types of thinking go hand in hand. Because your online business does not depend on your location, you search for customers, which in turn changes your mindset to seeing your customers as just traffic sources for you to direct.
When you start seeing your customers as traffic sources that you must direct to your website, you then start to go and implement poor marketing tactics that create bad results.
You will not see the pitfalls of your marketing strategy because, the traffic mindset you now have is tied into your pre-existing high exposure mindset.
You keep thinking, the reason your website is getting a lot of traffic, but no sales are due to you not showing your product and services to enough people.
Again, the worst thing you can have is a bad marketing strategy for your website business because it does not depend on you being in the right location at the right time.
You never solve the underling problem with the high exposure problem. Luckily for you, you are reading this article. We are going to tackle the things that are negativity affecting your website conversion rate.
Let us list some of the problems with your marketing strategy, that was created because of your traffic mindset and your high exposure mindset.
Problem #1Traffic But No Sales | Traffic Mismatch | You try to drive traffic from places that would not convert sales on your website. |
Problem #2Traffic But No Sales | Website Design | Your website’s look, systems, and processes do not confirm to your target audience’s likes. |
Problem #3Traffic But No Sales | Trust | Either you are doing something or have not done something that builds confidence in your target audience to do business with you. |
Problem #4Traffic But No Sales | Wrong Product/ Service | The first step to a failing marketing strategy is to have and sell a product or service that your target audience does not want |
Problem #5Traffic But No Sales | Poor Promotion | You are either doing or not doing the right things that would get your target audience to respond to your brand promotion |
Traffic Mismatch – Because you have not had the proper conversation with your customer, you think your product and services are for everyone. For example, if you are selling printing paper, who would you target?
Most likely you should target businesses that depend on printing lots of flyers and promotional material using your product. The typical online business owner misses the mark in understanding who they should target and create promotion tactics for the wrong audience.
They will be on Instagram doing videos for everyone when this type of business may require a different marketing strategy. Your marketing strategy in this case would most likely be going door to door in person or even emailing these business owners and having the proper conversation.
Website Design – Your website design does not appeal to your intended target audience. First of all, your website is not simple enough to understand or navigate. I see many websites that are too complex for the average customer and does not hone-in-on the intended purpose.
Secondly, you are doing things that drive customers away. For example, pop-ups on every page a customer visit. As it now stands, people for the most part have a negative view of pop-ups. They scream, invasion of privacy.
If you truly understand who your customers are, you will undoubtedly know, these tactics are hated by your customers and will make them leave your website with a negative opinion of your brand.
For a more in-depth understanding of the website design principles, you must adhere to, I recommend reading another article that I have done in the past. Click Here.
Trust – The second example I gave above plays into this concept of trust. The purpose of your business is to make life easier for your customers. If they lack trust in you as the business brand, they will leave without purchasing any of your products and/or services.
Sometimes as website business owners, we have to make a profit and for some that means by any means necessary. For example, if your primary purpose is to sell paper, you might include ads on your website that leads your visitors to other websites.
While this may help you make a profit, it will at other times make you look untrustworthy, if done poorly. The customer then understands that money is your only goal, and you would do all the sneaky things to get it.
In addition, your intended target audience may not believe you can deliver on your promise. You may not have shown enough signals to make you trustworthy to your website visitors. Example of trust signals may include, testimonials, reviews, a large following, team members, years in business, and success stories.
Wrong product/ or Service – let us assume for a minute that you have started the right marketing strategy by choosing the right target audience. You understand their problems and the goals which they want to achieve.
What happens then when you try to sell the wrong product and/or service to them. Well, you will end up with the problem of high traffic but no sales of course.
The thing is, if the customer sees and understand your product and service, then decide this service will not solve their problem, then you have a major problem on your hands.
You won’t even get a start in trying out your ideas, because customers for the most part are not dumb. They know how their problems would be solved and what has or is currently working to solve that problem.
Poor promotion – Poor promotion goes back to marketing 101. You may not have said the right things or are saying the things that are only pushing your customers away from your marketing attempts.
If you can’t properly articulate your businesses’ product and services, you will be ignored point blank period.
For example, if we use the previous example of selling paper to businesses that need them, what will you tell them? How would you convince them to make the sale?
In this example, I would say, first and foremost your marketing strategy had to have been on point. Meaning, you have identified the right customer and have done the proper conversations to understand the underlying problems these potential customers are having.
Only then, can you properly articulate the selling points of your product and/or services.
It all comes down to, what can your product and/or services do to make the life of the customer easier or better. With this concept, I would like to direct your attention to a video I saw recently on YouTube.
I believe this is perhaps one of the most important marketing concepts that every business owner should understand.
As you have seen, the problems listed above all have one thing in common. That is your customer and the conversations you must have with them.
Without the proper conversations you would not know them, understand their problems, and enact actions through your marketing strategy to sell to them.
You can spend a lot of time wondering why your website is getting a lot of traffic but no sales or you can spend a lot of time tackling all the problems I’ve listed on your website in order to increase your website conversion rate. That again, will be for naught.
As I have stated, it all comes down to you changing your mindset from seeing your customers as traffic sources and expecting high rewards from a lot of exposure.
The biggest thing you can do, in my opinion, is to see traffic as more of a conversation with an individual person. The worth is as important as Gold itself.
Let’s now go into the Solution. No, I will not be giving you step by step in addressing the problems I have listed, but rather show you how and the importance of changing to a personal level conversation with your customers.
To increase your website conversion, you need to have the proper conversation with your customer in order to understand them in and out. When you truly understand your customer, you will know the marketing strategy that you have to use.
I know many of you might say, hey, that is rudimentary. You might say, you are not so lacking in knowledge that you don’t understand the concept of targeting your audience in the right way.
You might say this advice is not for you. You might assume you are already hitting that target very profoundly.
What I say to that is that, well, my friend, you would not at this point be wondering or asking why is it that you have the high traffic but no sales problem.
If you truly understand this concept, you will know why your customers are not purchasing your products and or services. If you truly understand your customers, you will not ask where they are and how to get them to visit your website.
Have The Right Conversation With Your Customer!
Let me ask you, what is the name of your customer?
No, this is not the dumbest question you have ever heard. Solid business owners like us, must have a name for our customer because we see our customers as people not just traffic.
In other words, what is your customer’s profile. You have to get this right, or you will undoubtedly face more problems in your business.
Let’s say for example, my customer’s name for my paper business is John. This is what John has told me about himself.
John is 45 years old. John has 3 kids, a dog a wife a single-family home with a manageable mortgage.
John is middle income compared to other adult males and has an average amount of savings.
John likes to read business articles because he too is a business owner. No, John is not a high spender, but a practical one.
He only spends money if its going to double the value of his assets. John is a very busy individual with family responsibilities and business objectives.
John is only on social media to catch up with friends and promote his business. John does a lot of research before making a purchase of any kind, it takes him an average of 7 interactions with a brand before he trusts them enough to give them his money.
John is computer savvy but since his business is mainly outside of the internet, he does not spend a lot of time online, only to do research and occasionally, to get entertainment.
I know a lot more about John, in fact, its too long to list. See, when you’ve had the proper conversation with your customer, you know the marketing strategy that will reach, engage, and get them to take action.
Like my friend and customer John, you know the pain points of John’s world. You understand John’s problems so much so that your promotion tactics will reflect that.
You know, it would be a waste of time making ad videos for John when he does not spend a lot of time on Instagram. John is a reader and a constant researcher of topics in business.
Then why then do you not have a content marketing strategy for your website. While I am on the subject, I implore you to read my latest article on content marketing.
How does John feel about a website that is too complex? Does John like pop-ups or a website that has too many ads promoting all sorts of products?
You see that my friend? John is the first person I ask, when I am facing a problem of high traffic but not sales. John is who I ask, when I want to find him and drive him to my latest product and/or service promotions.
I have John’s contact information because he has given it to me willingly. He has asked me to contact him only on these days. John and I are always having a conversation on how best I can make his life better and easier.
John is my friend, and he tells me what marketing strategies I should be doing. I never wonder why John has not made a purchase; I already know.
Since you’ve read this article today, I hope you too have. Have a conversation with your customers, they are not just traffic sources. The marketing strategy you must employ is a people, people, people mindset.
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